Replacement of a stenotic/irregular right ventricle to pulmonary artery Gore-Tex trileaflet graft with a novel KONECT RESILIA Aortic Valved Conduit. This is the only tissue valved conduit currently in use. This patient has d-transposition of the great arteries along with ASD, VSD, pulmonary stenosis, bovine left arch and aberrant right subclavian arteries.
His previous operations include MBTS 4mm Gore-Tex graft, urgent shunt revision secondary to thrombosis and subsequent conversion to a 4mm central shunt, right atrial thrombectomy secondary to indwelling right atrial catheter, takedown of central shunt, primary pledgeted closure of pulmonary valve, Gore-Tex patch closure of ASD/VSD, Rastelli procedure with 24mm Gore-Tex trileaflet with bulging sinuses graft.