Laser Supraglottoplasty

Laryngomalacia is the most common laryngeal anomaly affecting newborns. Patient’s with severe disease should be considered for supraglottoplasty. It classically presents in a newborn with high-pitched inspiratory stridor that worsens with exertion, supine-positioning, and feeding. It is characterized by anatomic and physiologic abnormalities including shortened aryepiglottic (AE) folds, small, tightly curled epiglottis, redundant soft tissue overlying the cuneiform or accessory cartilages and reduced laryngeal tone. Any combination of these may present with laryngomalacia. Most cases are mild and resolve with observation or medical therapy.

1. Laser precautions are taken to protect patient and personnel.
2. Spontaneous ventilation
3. Suspension laryngoscopy is performed with adequate visualization of the larynx.
4. The operating telescope or microscope is used for visualization. The CO2 laser is tested.
5. First, division of the AE folds is performed.
6. Next, redundant mucosa and tissue overlying the accessory cartilages is ablated.

Treatment of Adult Idiopathic Subglottic Stenosis with CO2 Laser and Balloon Dilation

Contributors: Michael M. Johns III and  Benjamin Anthony

The patient is a 53 year-old female with history of idiopathic subglottic stenosis and long-standing right vocal fold scarring who had previously been treated endoscopically in the operating room and in the office with steroid injections. She returns to the operating room for scheduled endoscopic CO2 laser treatment, Depo-Medrol injection (not shown), balloon dilation, and Mitomycin C application (not shown).


Editor Recruited By: Michael M. Johns, III, MD

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