Excision of a Preauricular Cyst


Preauricular cysts are a subset of asymptomatic, dome-shaped lesions referred to as epidermoid cysts. Cysts vary in size and have the ability to grow in diameter over time. These cysts can occur anywhere on the body and usually contain keratin. Upon examination of a suspected cyst, different characteristics can specify its type. Dermoid cysts are typically odorous lesions found around the eyes or on the base of the nose. If the cyst did not originate from sebaceous glands, it is not deemed a sebaceous cyst. Typically, surgical intervention is required to fully remove the cyst and prevent further infections or growth.


The video shows an 18-year-old female who presented with a preauricular cyst near her left ear. Upon history and physical examination, the mass was predicted to be a dermoid cyst rather than a sebaceous cyst. Surgical recommendations were given to perform an excisional biopsy of the cyst. The excision is displayed step-wise in the video.


A 2 cm incision was made just posterior to the lesion with a 15 blade scalpel. Dissection was carried with a sharp hemostat down the level of the parotid fascia. A 1 cm cystic structure was found adherent to the overlying dermis. An elliptical incision was then made over the mass and it was removed with the adherent overlying skin. The wound was then irrigated. Wound was closed in 3 layers. First, the deep layer was closed with 5-0 PDS in interrupted fashion, followed by 5-0 monocryl in running subcuticular fashion, followed by Dermabond


The patient was returned to the care of anesthesia where she was awoken, extubated, and transported to PACU in stable condition. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was discharged the same day.

The specimen was sent for pathological analysis. The pathology report showed that the mass was an epidermal inclusion cyst.

Direct Laryngoscopy and Bronchoscopy: Performing a Diagnostic Exam

This video is an introduction to operative direct laryngoscopy and bronchoscopy (DLB) and demonstrates how to perform a safe and comprehensive exam in the operating room.

Authors: Alexander Moushey1; Taher Valika, MD2; Erik H. Waldman, MD3; Sarah E. Maurrasse, MD3
Voiceover: Vidal Maurrasse

1Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT
2Department of Surgery, Division of Pediatric Otolaryngology, Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
3Department of Surgery, Section of Pediatric Otolaryngology, Yale School of Medicine, Yale New Haven Children’s Hospital

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