Open Surgical Release of Stenosing Tenosynovitis (a.k.a. Trigger Finger)

Contributors: James Kee

In this video, we show the open surgical release of the A1 pulley to restore movement and alleviate triggering in a patient with stenosing tenosynovitis, or trigger finger.

DOI #:

Open Carpal Tunnel Release

Contributors: Theresa O. Wyrick

This video shows the open surgical release of the carpal tunnel for relief of compressive median neuropathy at the wrist or carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS).


Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release

Contributors: T. Shane Johnson

This video will outline the approach to a single port endoscopic carpal tunnel release, reviewing relevant anatomic landmarks, surgical views specific to the technique and unique operative tools.


Editor Recruited By: David Bozentka

Pediatric Trigger Thumb Release

Videos:   Theresa Wyrick and Asa Shnaekel

In this video, we show the open surgical release of the A1/proximal transverse pulley in the thumb to restore movement in a patient with a thumb interphalangeal joint flexion deformity consistent with pediatric trigger thumb.


Full-thickness skin grafting for coverage of dorsal hand defect

Title: Full-thickness skin grafting for coverage of dorsal hand defect

Authors: Vincent Riccelli, Brian Drolet MD, Elizabeth Lee MD

Affiliations: Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Corresponding Author: Vincent Riccelli (

Excision of Nailbed Remnant following Finger Amputation

Excision of Nailbed Remnant following Finger Amputation

Authors: Vincent Riccelli M.D. Candidate, Brian Drolet M.D., F. Bennett Pearce M.D.

Affiliations: Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Corresponding Author: Vincent Riccelli

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