Phacoemulsification of Nuclear Cataract and Intraocular Lens Implantation

Cataract surgery is an appropriate option to consider when a patient’s visual function is no longer able to support their desired activities or when it becomes a detriment to their health and quality of life. Phacoemulsification with intraocular lens implantation is the most common procedure used to restore vision in patients with cataracts; it has been shown to restore vision to 20/40 or better in over 95% of cases [2] . The procedure uses an ultrasonic handpiece to fragment, emulsify, and aspirate an opacified lens all through a small incision in the cornea. A new intraocular lens made of acrylic is inserted into the remaining lens capsule and replaces the cataract. This outpatient surgery is typically sutureless and completed in 10-20 minutes.

This case highlights a patient with a nuclear sclerotic cataract who elected for phacoemulsification extraction with intraocular lens implantation. The video showcases the proper placement of cataract removal instruments and phaco handpiece, completion of the most critical step of the procedure—the capsulorhexis and highlights proper placement of the intraocular lens.


Adam Neuhouser, Medical Student, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences,

Victoria Ly, Medical Student, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences,

Ahmed A. Sallam, M.D., Ph.D. Department of Ophthalmology, Jones Eye Institute.

Scleral Fixation of Intraocular Lens Using Gore-Tex Suture


This video demonstrates scleral-fixation of an intraocular lens with GoreTex suture. The surgery was performed by Dr. Ahmed Sallam MD, PhD at the Jones Eye Institute at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. The authors of the video are Victoria Ly, Adam Neuhouser, and Ahmed Sallam MD, PhD.



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