Surgery for congenital cholesteatoma is challenging in a narrow pediatric middle ear, notably when the congenital cholesteatoma fills the whole tympanic cavity.
In this webinar, I will show a movie that details the various stages of the surgery, from removal to reconstruction.
We will discuss how to separate the cholesteatoma from the tympanic membrane, how to decrease the volume of the cholesteatoma to remove it safely, how to identify the stapes safely. I will also present the consensus statement of the IPOG experts group concerning this surgery.
Drs. Sharon Cushing, Cameron Wick, and James G. Naples dissect the steps necessary to achieve surgical efficiency and demonstrate how to incorporate that safely into their teaching.
Join us in the journey of the legend as he gives us insights into his life and his achievements. Join us to be inspired by one of the best surgeons in the world.
Dr. Brackmann will be joined by Dr. Ravi N. Samy, Chief of Otology/Neurotology at the University of Cincinnati , along with Dr. James G. Naples, Otologist/Neurotologist of Harvard Medical School, Beth Israel Deaconess.
Join this interactive webinar with Drs. Ravi N. Samy (University of Cincinnati Medical Center) James G. Naples (Beth Isreal Deaconess / Harvard Medical), and Yi-Chun Carol Liu (Baylor).
These faculty members in otology/neurotology will feature a video on the treatment of chronic atelectatic middle ear with endoscopic placement of cartilage shield T-tube while providing their commentary on the approach and sharing best practices for success.
Join this interactive webinar with Drs. Ravi N. Samy (Cincinnati), Per Caye-Thomasen (Denmark), Sampath Rao (India), Alex Karkas (France), and James G. Naples (Boston). These faculty members in otology/neurotology will discuss their thoughts on the future of otologic surgery after the pandemic.
The panel will discuss topics such as decision-making, the state of elective surgery, telemedicine, and many others.
This webinar is the third installation of a series on surgery in the COVID 19 era, brought to you by CSurgeries. To access the previous recordings please go to:
This webinar is sponsored by Grace Medical (