Robotic-Assisted Right Middle Lobectomy of Central Lung Tumor

Contributors: Inderpal S Sarkaria

This is a video of a 61 year old female with a history of smoking, TIA, and DVT undergoing robotic-assisted right middle lobectomy for a central and FNA-proven lung adenocarcinoma.


Awake per-oral vocal fold injection with Calcium Hydroxyapatite

Contributors: Clark A. Rosen

Peroral vocal fold augmentation provides the patient an opportunity for permanent or temporary vocal fold augmentation under local anesthesia, obviating a trip to the operating room and general anesthesia.


Flex Robotic-Assisted Branchial Cleft Excision via Retroauricular Approach

Contributors: Umamaheswar Duvvuri

An 18-year-old African American female with a large, type II branchial cleft cyst and a history of keloid scars presented for removal of branchial cleft cyst.  We present the first robotic-assisted excision of branchial cleft cyst using the new Flex Robotic© Surgery System.

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