Fascia with Bone Pate Resurfacing Technique for Repair of Superior Semicircular Canal Dehiscence

Contributors: Jacob B. Hunter, Reid C. Thompson and David S. Haynes

Superior semicircular canal dehiscence (SCD) is a condition in which the bone overlying the superior semicircular canal is absent. The clinical presentation of SCD is highly variable and may include both auditory and vestibular manifestations. The more common symptoms include autophony, sound or pressure induced vertigo, hypersensitivity to sound, and low frequency conductive hearing loss. Repair can be accomplished via either transmastoid or middle fossa approaches, with numerous materials used to either plug or resurface the canal. Herein, we describe our resurfacing technique using a loose areolar tissue-bone pâté-loose areolar tissue sandwich through a middle fossa approach.

DOI#: http://dx.doi.org/10.17797/kcwvab3b7r

Bilateral Cleft Lip Repair

Contributors: Larry Hartzell

Repair of the bilateral cleft lip deformity can be challenging to the cleft and craniofacial surgeon.  The goals of an acceptable repair must include precise continuity of the cupid’s bow, maximizing philtral length, and establishing a mucosa lined sulcus.  We present an example of a repair of the bilateral incomplete lip as described by Millard.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17797/qefi9lqbam

Cranioplasty for Metopic Craniosynostosis

This video demonstrates an open anterior cranial vault reconstruction for metopic craniosynostosis on a 5-month-old female.

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