Double-Chambered Right Ventricle

Double-chambered right ventricle repair for an adolescent male who presented with a subaortic perimembranous ventricular septal defect, a subaortic membrane with associated left ventricular outflow tract obstruction, and a double-chambered right ventricle. This video highlights a VSD patch closure and the surgical resection of the subaortic membrane and RVOT muscle bundles.

Ebstein’s Anomaly Annuloplasty

This video provides an overview of Ebstein’s Anomaly, detailing its classification and the indications for surgical intervention. It features a case study an Ebstein Abnomaly Annuloplasty repair for an adolescent female who has an apically displaced tricuspid valve with severe regurgitation and a central coaptation defect.  It also offers an overview of the patient’s post-operative course.

Mitral Valve Annuloplasty Surgical Repair

Mitral valve annuloplasty repair for an adolescent female that has mitral valve regurgitation, an A2/A3 prolapse, and a dilated left atrium and ventricle.

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