Contributors: Bestoun Ahmed
Spleen preservation is advisable if feasible during distal pancreatectomy for benign pancreatic tumors. A 31 year old patient had a blunt abdominal injury. Computed Tomography (CT) scan showed an incidental tumor in the body of the pancreas. EUS-guided cytology revealed a solid pseudopapillary tumor with benign features.This video demonstrates the technical details during a minimally invasive excision of a rare tumor of the pancreas in a male patient. Very few cases have been reported in males.
Editor Recruited By: Jeffrey B. Matthews, MD
Contributors: Michael Nussbaum
Pancreatic necrosectomy is a necessary operation for necrotizing pancreatitis. The traditional open approach has been associated with difficult access and significant negative outcomes including wound complications, pancreatic fistula and prolonged hospital stay. A 57-y-old female patient presented with mild abdominal pain and epigastric fullness.She had a history of multiple episodes of acute pancreatitis and pseudocyst formation. Abdominal computed tomography (CT )scan showed a large pseudocyst of 12×15 cm size compressing the posterior wall of the stomach. Following cystgastrostomy, a large amount of necrotic pancreatic tissue is found and so necrosectomty step was added to the operation.This video demonstrates the technical details during a minimally invasive necrosectomy of the pancreas with an expedited recovery.
Editor Recruited By: Jeffrey B. Matthews, MD