Contributors: James Kee
In this video, we show the open surgical release of the A1 pulley to restore movement and alleviate triggering in a patient with stenosing tenosynovitis, or trigger finger.
DOI #:
Contributors: James Kee
In this video, we show the open surgical release of the A1 pulley to restore movement and alleviate triggering in a patient with stenosing tenosynovitis, or trigger finger.
DOI #:
Contributors: Theresa O. Wyrick
This video shows the open surgical release of the carpal tunnel for relief of compressive median neuropathy at the wrist or carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS).
Videos: Theresa Wyrick and Asa Shnaekel
In this video, we show the open surgical release of the A1/proximal transverse pulley in the thumb to restore movement in a patient with a thumb interphalangeal joint flexion deformity consistent with pediatric trigger thumb.