Incomplete Cleft Palate Repair: Von Langenbeck Converted to Two-flap Palatoplasty with Furlow Double Opposing Z-Plasty


Incomplete Cleft Palate Repair: Von Langenbeck Converted to Two-flap Palatoplasty with Furlow Double Opposing Z-Plasty


Nima Vahidi, MD1; Nilan Vaghjiani, BS1; Rajanya Petersson, MS, MD1,2

1Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine, Richmond, VA

2Children Hospital of Richmond at VCU, Richmond, VA


10-month-old male with 18q deletion syndrome, Pierre Robin sequence (cleft palate, glossoptosis, and micrognathia), eustachian tube dysfunction, cardiac disease including ASD, VSD and WPW, pulmonary hypertension, as well as tracheostomy and G-tube dependence.

In preoperative evaluation he was noted to have an incomplete cleft palate involving the hard and soft palate. He was noted to have bilateral eustachian tube dysfunction with effusions present. After discussion with family decision was made to proceed with surgical intervention.

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