Bilateral Subcranial Le Fort III Osteotomies with Midface Distraction – A Surgical Review

In this video, we showcase the bilateral subcranial Le Fort III osteotomies with midface distraction using Kawamoto distractors.

The surgery was performed in a 4-year-old boy with Crouzon Syndrome to correct his severe proptosis, increase the nasopharyngeal airway space and improve his severe negative overjet.  Internal distractors were chosen to achieve maximum correction at this age.

The patient undergoing surgery had no intraoperative or postoperative complications. A full separation of his facial bones was achieved. The patient had an uneventful recovery period, and there was a significant improvement in his proptosis and malocclusion.

Santiago Gonzalez, BS, BA (1); Michael Golinko, MD, MS (2)

1. University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences – College of Medicine
4301 W. Markham, #550
Little Rock, AR

2. Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Department of Plastic Surgery
2900 Children’s Way, 9th Floor Doctor’s Office Tower
Nashville TN 37232

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