Suboccipital retrosigmoid approach for resection of cerebellopontine angle tumor

This is a demonstration of the retrosigmoid approach for microsurgical resection of a cerebellopontine angle tumor. Th patient presented with gait disturbance and normal hearing. A suboccipital craniotomy was used for access to the cerebellopontine angle. Using microsurgical technique, the tumor was dissected away from the glossopharyngeal nerve. Pathological analysis confirmed that the tumor was a schwannoma of the glossopharyngeal nerve.


Endoscopic endonasal approach for odontoidectomy

Contributors: M. Nathan Nair and Timothy Deklotz

For patients with basilar invagination, an odontoidectomy may be necessary to decompress the brainstem, before further correction and stabilization of the craniocervical junction can be achieved. The open-mouth odontoidectomy procedure is associated with significant moribdity, and the endoscopic endonasal approach may be a better option. In this video, we provide a step-by-step demonstration of the endoscpic endonasal approach for odontoidectomy.


Anterior Petrosectomy and Resection of a Meckel’s Cave Schwannoma

Contributors: Daniel Felbaum and  H. Jeff Kim

The video demonstrates the resection of a trigeminal schwannoma via a middle fossa craniiotomy and anterior petrosectomy. A large dumbbell-shaped tumor was essentially two tumors in one. The anterior petrosectomy provided access mainly to the posterior component of the tumor, which was compressing the pons, and obscured by the tentorium and petrous ridge. Mobilization of the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus freed the  anterior component and thus allowed the removal of the rest of the schwannoma.


Middle Fossa Transventricular and Subtemporal Approach for Meningioma Resection

Contributors:   Micheala Lee

This is a demonstration of using the transventricular and subtemporal corridors for resecting a large middle fossa, tentorial meningioma. The video details the microsurgical technique for detaching the tumor from the tentorial incisura, working near critical structures such as the oculomotor nerve, trochlear nerve, and posterior communiating artery. It also includes precise demonstration of how to separate the massive tumor from the feeding arterial supply stemming from the posterior cerebral artery.


Microvascular Decompression for Trigeminal Neuralgia (combined venous & arterial)

Contributors: Fadi Sweiss

Microvascular decompression is the most effective surgical procedure for treating trigeminal neuralgia in patients with classic symptoms. Here we present a patient who had a “duo crush” from both a vein, as well as a loop of the superior cerebellar artery. The key maneuvers to create space between the compressive element and the nerve, in order to secure the teflon “cushion,” are highlighted.


Microsurgical resection of an acoustic neuroma via the translabyrinthine approach

Contributors: H. Jeffrey Kim

The translabyrinthine approach has often been reserved for large acoustic neuromas because it requires less retraction on the cerebellum when compared to the retrosigmoid approach for a similar tumor. However, the translabyrinthine approach is equally useful for smaller tumors, when the patients has no residual ipsilateral hearing. It allows for early visualization of the facial nerve, and thus better protection of this crucial nerve.

DOI #:

Microvascular Decompression for Trigmeminal Neuralgia (venous)

Contributors: Daniel R. Felbaum

Microvascular decompression is the most effective surgical procedure for treating trigeminal neuralgia in patients with classic symptoms. The most frequent compressive force is the superior cerebellar artery. Here we demonstrate the procedure in a patient with long-standing, classic symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia, in whom we discovered compression from venous structures.


Endoscopic Endonasal Approach for Pituitary Tumor Resection

Contributors: Timothy R. DeKlotz

With the widespread use of the endoscope in pituitary surgery, many technical nuances have emerged. Some surgeons still use a sublabial incision and a speculum, despite using the endoscope for visualization, while others favor approaches that are purely endonasal. Some surgical teams, using an endoscope-holder, work sequentially and individually, while others prefers two surgeons working together simultaneously. In this video, we demonstrate an endoscopic endonasal approach, in which the tumor resection is performed with a 4-hand technique with both surgeons working simultaneously.


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