Myringoplasty Using a Human Birth Tissue Allograft

This video demonstrates a myringoplasty procedure using Neox RT – a human birth tissue allograft – to repair a tympanic membrane perforation in a pediatric patient. We employ a “sandwich” technique, in which pieces of the allograft are placed both medial and lateral to the perforation. After partially filling the middle ear with dry, absorbable gelatin sponge, trimmed pieces of allograft are inserted sequentially in underlay and overlay fashion to remain medial and lateral to the perforation. Both the underlay and overlay pieces cover the perforation and overlap the native tympanic membrane around the perforation. More absorbable sponge is then inserted lateral to the graft to hold it in place against the tympanic membrane. Finally, antibiotic drops and bacitracin ointment are placed in the canal.

Surgical adjunctive use of Cryopreserved Umbilical Amnion in the Successful Management of Post-Traumatic, Complex Wounds

We report the technique of applying cryopreserved umbilical amnion to successfully manage post-traumatic, complex wounds with exposed bone, muscle, or tendon

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