This video shows the steps of how we do endoscopic balloon dilation of acquired subglottic stenosis in pediatrics.
The video has subtitles with all important steps.
Airway balloon use is safe and less traumatic to airway mucosa.
Adding adjunct kanacort and mitomycin might decrease the restenosis chance.
Membranous subglottic or tracheal stenosis.
Not thick and not long scars.
Not fit for general anesthesia
Grade IV stenosis
Loss of airway framework
Rigid laryngoscopy with suspension.
Spontaneous breathing aided by side port insufflation.
Any major comorbidities like cardiorespiratory disease.
Could do pulmonary function test
Decreased rates of complications, minimized dilation trauma even, radial balloon inflation, and decreased shearing forces.
Decease the chance of restenosis with kenacort and mitomycin c use.
Lung barotrauma in lightly sedated patients.
Watermelon seeding of the balloon which might cause pulmonary edema.
Saline aspiration.
Hautefort C, Teissier N, Viala P, Van Den Abbeele T. Balloon dilation laryngoplasty for subglottic stenosis in children: eight years' experience. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2012;138(3):235-240. doi:10.1001/archoto.2011.1439
Review Balloon dilation of acquired subglottic stenosis in pediatric.