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This video provides background information regarding the diagnosis and management of choanal atresia and demonstrates the endoscopic repair of a unilateral choanal atresia.
Authors: Alexander Moushey1; Kiley Trott, MD2; Sarah E. Maurrasse, MD2
Voiceover: Vidal Maurrasse
1Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT
2Department of Surgery, Section of Pediatric Otolaryngology, Yale School of Medicine, Yale New Haven Children’s Hospital
Endoscopic repair of a unilateral choanal atresia
Surgical repair is generally recommended to restore the normal anatomy, function, and development of the nasal passage. Surgical intervention can be considered either emergent or elective depending on whether the atresia is unilateral or bilateral, and whether the accompanying respiratory symptoms are mild or severe.
Bleeding disorder (relative)
Clinical instability
Endoscopic sinus surgery setup
Hopkins rod sinus endoscopes and tower
Image guidance/navigation
Flexible fiberoptic nasal endoscopy
CT Maxillofacial/Sinus without contrast protocoled for image guidance
Genetic work-up
Inferior turbinate
Nasal floor
Skull base
Advantages of surgery include restoring the normal anatomy, function, and development of the nasal passages to improve respiratory symptoms and facilitate extubation in severe cases.
Need for additional surgical intervention
Damage to skull base/CSF leak
Thank you to Vidal Maurrasse (vidal@maurrasse.com) for providing voiceover.
1. Ramsden JD, Campisi P, Forte V. Choanal atresia and choanal stenosis. Otolaryngol Clin North Am. 2009 Apr;42(2):339-52.
2. Hengerer AS, Brickman TM, Jeyakumar A. Choanal atresia: embryologic analysis and evolution of treatment, a 30-year experience. Laryngoscope (2008) 118(5):862–6.
3. Hengerer AS, Strome M. Choanal atresia: a new embryologic theory and its influence on surgical management. Laryngoscope (1982) 92(8 Pt 1):913–21.
4. Kwong KM. Current Updates on Choanal Atresia. Front Pediatr. 2015;3:52. Published 2015 Jun 9.
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Zack Salopek
Thank you for the thorough writeup and educational video! Video was very well put together and easy to follow.
3 years ago
Review Endoscopic Repair of Unilateral Choanal Atresia.