Hemangioma Excision

Infantile hemangiomas are vascular tumors composed of proliferating endothelial cells. They uniquely undergo rapid expansion from birth to 6-8 months of age and subsequent slow dissolution over several years thereafter. Some hemangiomas are at risk of causing functional problems during their growth phase as seen in this upper eyebrow lesion obstructing the visual axis. Laser, surgical and medical treatment options are available for problematic hemangiomas. This patient was elected to undergo excision to completely remove the lesion and forego a long course of medical therapy (propranolol). Because of the their vascular nature, excision of hemangiomas requires careful planning and hemostasis. The hemangioma is marked in elliptical fashion along natural aesthetic facial lines along the brow. The inferior mark in incised first. Careful subdermal dissection is critical to completely excise to the hemangioma near the surface and find the appropriate plane. Control of bleeding is maintained by monopolar and bipolar electrocautery as well as dissecting the lesion from one side and alternating to the other. The plane of deep dissection is rarely below the subcutaneous layer thus protecting important nerves and vessels. Complete removal is possible. Closure is performed with dissolvable monocryl or PDS suture with dermabond superficially. A plastic eyeshield (blue) is placed at the beginning of case to protect the patient’s cornea during the procedure.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17797/zlvhux8afu


Review Hemangioma Excision.

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