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This video shows the basic steps in evacuating a vitreous hemorrhage due to a retinal vein occlusion.
Surgeon & Editing: Sean Tsao M.D.
Pars Plana Vitrectomy and Endolaser
Non clearing vitreous hemorrhage
23 gauge vitrectomy pack
Full ophthalmologic examination including B scan ultrasonography to assess posterior structures. Also should include complete physical exam, including management of blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol.
Eye, vitreous, pupil.
Removal of hemorrhage, prevent recurrence of hemorrhage, restore and preserve vision, improve ability to visualize and ultimately treat and diagnose ocular disease.
Risks include recurrent vitreous hemorrhage, cataract, glaucoma, retinal detachment, macular pucker (epiretinal membrane), macular edema, hemorrhagic choroidal detachment, loss of vision or eye.
Review Pars Plana Vitrectomy and Endolaser.