Sliding Osseous Genioplasty and Coronoidectomy in a Patient with Treacher-Collins Syndrome

Contributors: Andrew Weaver and Kumar Patel, PA-C

18 y.o. female with Treacher-Collins syndrome (patients have micrognathia, underdeveloped facial bones, particularly the cheek bones, and a very small jaw and chin. She is only able to open her mouth to 20mm due to the interference of her coronoid process with her zygoma/


Plastic Surgery Pearls for basic suturing: instruments & technique

Contributors: Kumar Patel, PA-C

Basic plastic surgery suturing techniques geared towards medical students and residents, including starting position, basic simple suture, deep dermal suture, vertical mattress, horizontal mattress and running subcuticular.


Cranioplasty for Sagittal Craniosynostosis

Cranioplasty with barrel stave osteotomies to treat sagittal suture craniosynostosis.

Keloid Excision

Bilateral ear keloid excision with steroid injection.

DOI# 10.17797/rfealpdd24

Cranioplasty and Scar Revision

Contributors: Michael Golinko (MD) and Kumar Patel (PA)

A six-year-old male with history of skull trauma acquired in an ATV accident underwent emergency craniotomy three years ago. He now presents with bone resorption, frontal bossing, scalloped bone, and a widened scar in the middle of his forehead from the previous surgery.


Fronto-Orbital Advancement and Cranial Vault Remodeling for Metopic Craniosynostosis

Contributors:Michael Golinko, MD, MA, Eylem Ocal, MD and Kumar Patel, PA

Premature metopic suture fusion is corrected using fronto-orbital advancement and cranial vault remodeling to open the fused suture and allow for adequate brain growth.


Posterior Cranial Vault Remodeling for Shunt-Induced Crainiocerebral Disporpotion (CCD)

Contributors: Kumar Patel, PA-C and Gregory W. Albert

Posterior cranial vault remodeling post shunt induced Crainiocerebral Disporpotion (CCD)  Patient is a 5 y/o boy having frequent headaches which may be indicative of increased intra-cranial pressure in addition to a step-off deformity of his posterior calvarium.


Alopecia Excision and Repair

Contributors: Michael Golinko  and Kumar Patel

Removal of an approximately 5 cm congenital alopecia using an O to Z or
yin-yang flap method.


Le Fort I Osteotomy with placement of Distractor

Our patient is a 20 year old boy with severe maxillary hypoplasia with a history of bilateral cleft lip and palate. We performed a maxillary advancement with distraction osteogenesis.

Nikhil Kamath, BS

Aaron Smith, MD

Michael S. Golinko, MD

Kumar Patel, PA-C

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