This video provides an elucidation of the surgical steps involved in performing an endoscopic perctaneous suture laterlization in a neonate with bilateral vocal fold paralysis.
Video Author: Nasser Almutairi
Endoscopic Anterior and Posterior Cricoid Split
This video provides an elucidation of the surgical steps involved in performing an endoscopic anterior and posterior cricoid split in a neonate with bilateral vocal fold paralysis.
Endoscopic laryngeal web repair
This video elucidates the procedural technique employed for endoscopic laryngeal web repair in pediatric patients, wherein a laryngeal anterior commissure stent (LACS) is inserted.
It delineates the steps of the surgical intervention, as well as the subsequent postoperative assessment by awake fiberoptic nasolaryngoscopy examination.
This video shows how we manage A-frame deformity in cases post tracheastomy or post laryngeal reconstruction.
Important steps of the procedure highlighted in the video.
Balloon dilation of acquired subglottic stenosis in pediatric
This video shows the steps of how we do endoscopic balloon dilation of acquired subglottic stenosis in pediatrics.
The video has subtitles with all important steps.
Suture lateralization of right vocal cord in pediatric bilateral vocal cord palsy
It describes how we do the endo-extralaryngeal technique of suture lateralization of vocal cord in pediatric bilateral vocal cord palsy.
It shows the important steps of the surgery and also the follow up awake fiber optic laryngoscopy exam.