Drs. Shyan Vijayasekaran, David White, Christopher Wooten, and Carlton Zdanski review the aspects of endoscopic airway surgery. They will provide an overview of the balloon dilation and both anterior & posterior endoscopic splits.
Join us in the journey of the legend as he gives us insights into his life and his achievements. Join us to be inspired by one of the best surgeons in the world.
Dr Cotton is a pioneer in pediatric airway surgery and has been instrumental in establishing state of the art care of children with airway stenosis. He lead his team from Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and created a world class center for all complex pediatric otolaryngologic conditions. Join us to go through his journey , including his early life, his passions, struggles, and challenges to make him reach his pinnacle.
He will be joined by Drs. David Albert, Dana Thompson and Shyan Vijayasekaran as our moderators.
Join this interactive webinar with Dr. Sanjay Parikh (Seattle Children’s), Dr. Natalie Loundon (Hopital Necker-Enfants Malades, Paris), Mr. Michael Kuo (Consultant and Clinical Lead, Birmingham Children’s, UK), Dr. Vikash Modi (Chief of Pediatric ENT, New York Presbyterian Hospital), along with Dr. Shyan Vijayasekaran (Perth ENT) and Dr. Scott Rickert, (NYU Langone) as they discuss their learnings from being on the front lines of COVID area hotspots.
The panel will discuss testing, PPE, as well as lessons learned.
This webinar is in follow up to a previous presentation by Dr. Vijayasekeran and Dr. Rickert from April 10th. To access the recording of the previous webinar please go to www.csurgeries.com
Join Dr. Shyan Vijayasekaran as he presents and demonstrates a common pediatric airway procedure for a patient with laryngomalacia of COVID-19-unknown status. This video outlines the appropriate PPE attire and intra-operative approach according to recent North American and UK guidelines to provide a practical guide to protect the surgeon and theatre staff from potential infection during an AGP in the operating theatre. Microlaryngoscopy, bronchoscopy, and supraglottoplasty are urgent airway procedures that place all healthcare workers and the patient at risk of infection. We demonstrate an approach to the COVID-unknown patient ensuring safety for all involved without compromising patient care. Joining Dr. Vijayasekaran is Dr. Scott Rickert, chief of pediatric ENT at NYU Langone and at the center of the United States COVID crisis.
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