This video shows a KTP laser assisted endoscopic excision of a myofibroblastic lower tracheal tumour.
Editor Recruited By: Sanjay Parikh, MD, FACS
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17797/jt8idqw53j
Laser Assisted Endoscopic Removal Of Lower Tracheal Tumour
Increasing Dyspnoea and Airway obstruction
Vascular Tumour
Tracheal Tumour extending outside trachea
Supine On Operating table / Total Intravenous Anaesthesia /Cannulation for potential ECMO
KTP Laser 5 watts continuous mode
CT Scan with Contrast to assess extent and vascularity
ECMO /Cardiothoraic surgeon on standby in case of significant tracheal bleeding
Total Intravenous Anaesthesia important to maintain smooth anaesthesia and oxygenation during the laser removal
Avoidance of Thoracotmy / Open surgery
Very Difficult to control haemorrhage in distal trachea if it develops
Laser Fire
Severe blood loss
laser fire Death inadequate removal tumour
no conflicts no disclosures
Review Laser Assisted Endoscopic Removal of Lower Tracheal Tumour.