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Contributors: Michael Golinko, Kumar Patel and Bridget O’Leary
LeFort I osteotomy and advancement in 18y/o female patient with maxillary hypoplasia
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17797/1cu3tz50yf
LeFort I Osteotomy and Advancement
maxillary hypoplasia, maxillary atrophy, Angle class II or III malocclusion, facial asymmetry, obstructive sleep apnea
co-morbidities increasing surgical risk
supine, shoulder roll with neutral head position, nasal intubation, general anesthesia, tube sutured to membranous portion of caudal septum
preoperative orthodontics, dental impressions, CT, photos, collected; precise cuts planned and post-operative appearance simulated; History & Physical Exam, CBC, Coagulation Profile, CMP, ASA Classification
Incision made from first molar to first molar, exposing lateral and medial buttresses of the maxilla. Level of the infraorbital foramen/nerve marks superior limit of dissection. Take care with mucosal lining in dissection around the level of the piriform aperture. Expose floor of the nose and nasal septum to the level of posterior palate. Pterygomaxillary junction should limit lateral dissection. Take care during osteotomy to avoid the teeth apices [maxillary canine = longest tooth root reference (26 mm)]. Osteotomy should always be performed below the level of the inferior turbinate.
Kawamoto osteotome used to separate pterygomaxillary junction; olive osteotome used to separate the nasal septum from the maxilla.
Correction of malocclusion, better oral competence, positive aesthetic outcome. Operative risk and risk of post-op infection or regression.
Non-union of osteotomy gap, malposition of maxilla, deviation of nasal septum, operative risks (post-op infection, abscess, hemorrhage, risk associated with general anesthesia)
Non-union of osteotomy gap, malposition of maxilla, deviation of nasal septum, operative risks (post-op infection, abscess, hemorrhage, risk associated with general anesthesia)
Buchanan EP, Hyman CH. LeFort I Osteotomy. Seminars in Plastic Surgery. 2013;27(3):149-154. doi:10.1055/s-0033-1357112.
Review LeFort I Osteotomy and Advancement in Patient with Maxillary Hypoplasia.