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Otosclerosis causes conductive hearing loss with absent acoustic reflexes. Stapedotomy is a successful surgery that is demonstrated in this video.
Editor Recruited By: Ravi Samy, MD, FACS
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17797/6c3g45u2tw
Stapedotomy with CO2 Laser
Active Meniere's disease, Superior Canal Dehiscence
Patient supine under IV sedation. Right ear prepped and draped. 1% lidocaine with epinephrine is infiltrated in ear canal (2cc).
Audiogram, acoustic reflexes obtained confirming conductive hearing loss and absent reflexes.
Risks include bleeding, infection, possible injury to the ossicles causing hearing loss, tinnitus, and vertigo. Risk to chorda tympani nerve and facial nerve with subsequent weakness. Risk of complete hearing loss despite perfect surgery as well as risk of needing hearing devices despite surgery either now or in future.
Risks include bleeding, infection, possible injury to the ossicles causing hearing loss, tinnitus, and vertigo. Risk to chorda tympani nerve and facial nerve with subsequent weakness. Risk of complete hearing loss despite perfect surgery as well as risk of needing hearing devices despite surgery either now or in future.
Review Right Stapedotomy.