Contributors: Thomas Bauer, MD and Glenn Parker, MD
Up to 25 % of diaphragmatic hernias may be incidentally diagnosed in adulthood. If symptomatic, patients often present with epigastric pain, chest pain or persistent cough. When found, they should be repaired to prevent incarceration and strangulation.
DOI #: http://dx.doi.org/10.17797/wy2y9m77gv
Robotic assisted repair of morgagni hernia
symptomatic or asymptomatic morgagni hernia
Inability to tolerate pneumoperitoneum because of medical comorbidities, previous extensive surgery (relative)
The patient is placed in the supine position and the robot is docked in the left lower quadrant. The camera is placed in the supraumbilical region, and two 8 mm trocars are placed in the right and left midclavicular area in line with the camera. A right upper quadrant assistant port is placed.
CT scan of the chest, abdomen and pelvis.
Advantages of the robot for repair of morgagni hernias lies primarily in the wrist like action of the robotic arms. This enables the surgeon to easily suture the defect primarily. It also enables the repair to be done minimally invasively, allowing for less post operative pain and a shorter hospital stay. Disadvantages may include cost.
Complications are hernia recurrence and injury to incarcerated contents during reduction.
Complications are hernia recurrence and injury to incarcerated contents during reduction.
Review Robotic Assisted Repair of Morgagni Hernia.